Book Index

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ABC-123-D Steps 57, 79, 428

Abuse; child 118, 121, 338

Abusive relationships 29, 295, 352

Accountability 263


to praise 91

to rewards 120

ADHD 11, 65, 297-300

diagnosing 297

external rewards 299

medication 300

primary symptoms 298

resources 311

treating 299

types 299


misbehavior 336

PU behavior 296

types of problems 57

Advice 151, 413

giving 177, 413

inaccurate 41, 87

parenting 2

screening 23, 41, 414

Affirmations 105, 424


anger 236

communication 259

Agreements 271

conditional 399, 408

confirming 272

Alcohol 340

Allowances 141-143

and chores 142

budgeting 143

credit 142

three-level plan 143

Anger 232

a-b-c steps 234, 259

aggressive 236, 428

assertive 237, 428

constructive 233

cycle 234

defusing others 249

destructive 233

energy 244

expressing 267

flash fires 429

healthy 233

log 253-255

outlets 244

passive 236, 430

passive-aggressive 237

personalized plan 246

physical effects 233

physical outlets 245

resources 256

smoldering embers 431

styles 236

summary 252

teaching children skills 247

trigger buttons 243

types of energy 244

verbal outlets 244


conditional 267, 428

from children 217, 360

parental 358

Arguing 51, 75, 178, 276, 326, 347

avoiding 327

with parenting partners 412

Ask helpful questions 197


anger 237

communication 260

expressing anger 267

teaching children skills 147

Attachment; bonding 91

Attention-seeking behavior 322, 324, 342, 343

Autism 297

Autocratic parenting 32

Avoiders 34, 52

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Balanced Parenting  37, 48, 50, 52

Baths 135

Bedtime 69, 129, 132, 274, 291

problems 378

routines 132

Behavior charts 120

and ADHD 299

Behavior goals 342, 343

identifying 321

shifting 327, 328

Behavior modification 119, 428 

(Also see “behavior charts”)

Beliefs 45, 235, 237

aggressive 236

assertive 237

Avoider 34

backpack analogy 158

Balanced parenting 37

choosing 235

helpful 236

negative 235

Over-controlling  28

Over-indulgence  35

passive 236

passive-aggressive 237

Perfectionistic Supervisor 31

religious 41, 286

rewriting 51, 237

Under-Controlling  33

Bickering 214

Bike safety 307, 347

Biting 72, 218

Blaming 177, 263, 428

Blended families 271, 347

discipline in 360

family councils 388

Body language 182, 265

Boredom 346

Borrowing 270

Bossiness 136, 270

Brain research 91

Brainstorming 200, 276

(also see “Problem solving”)

Bribery 117, 428

Bullies 199, 216

<Return to top of page>


C/P problems 70, 259

Career decisions 155

Car seats, resisting 378

Child abuse 118, 121, 338

Child-friendly 131, 146, 152, 428

Child problems 62, 167, 266

taking over 168

Child Problem Toolbox 58, 62, 166, 225

Child-proofing 157

Choices 122-125, 326

adjusting as issues shift 362

Chores 83, 133, 142, 264, 270, 271, 277

and allowances  142

apprentices 145

goals of not doing 334

motives for not doing 56

young children 157

Cleaning 133, 285, 316, 334

(also see “chores” and “messes”)

teaching skills 146

Clear Communication Toolset 58, 258

agreements 271

describe effect of behavior 269

describe feelings 267

describe what you see 266

family councils 395

flash codes 275

nonverbal reminders 273

notes 274

problem solving 275

PU problems 304

quick reminders 273

rules/limits 131, 271

state expectations 270

use one word 274

Clinginess 156, 307

Cliqués 116, 199, 295

Clothing/hair styles 155, 310, 315

appropriate 164

Common problems

early elementary 309

infants 307

late elementary 309

preschoolers 309

preteens 310

toddlers 307

Communication 258

aggressive 259, 428

assertive 260, 428

barriers when listening 175

contradictory messages 264

double messages 264

fax analogy 172

hidden messages 261

listening 175

male/female 174, 295

nonverbal 261

passive 260, 430

problem-solving styles 172

shifting gears 273

styles of 259

tools 266

Community service 402

Comparisons  100, 101

Competition 100, 429

sports 102, 365

unhealthy 102, 432

Complaining 187, 235, 396

Compromise 263

Confessions 264

Confidence 105

parental 423

Conflict resolution

non-violent options 215

Conquerors 173, 428

Consensus decision-making 397, 428


inconvenience 429

logical 368

natural 363

Consistency 410, 428

Cooperation Toolset 113

avoid bribery 117

child-friendly 131

choices in limits 122

don’t say “don’t” 125

humor 130

no “no’s” 127

plan ahead 121

politeness 131

PU problems 303

routines 132

rules for setting rules 131

summary 134

tools 117

vs. obedience  114

Counseling 294

and ADHD 300

Criticism 396, 415

constructive 95, 428

of parents 310, 415

responding to 416

setting limits 417

Crying 307

on purpose 334

Curfew 67, 269, 270, 276, 278, 286, 364

discipline for lying 340

Curiosity 307

Cussing 66, 302, 319

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Dangerous behavior 67, 324, 330

Dating 295, 310

Death; explaining 250, 256, 402

Decision-making; consensus 397

Defiant compliance 237, 325, 429

Definitions 428

Defusing anger 249

Demanding one’s way 324

Dependency  153

Depression 251

Destructive behavior

during timeouts 372

tantrums 74

Development 291

delays 290, 429

elementary 292

infants 291

preschoolers 292

preteens 293

rates 290

resources 291

stages 289

style 289

teens 294

toddlers 291


negotiating 263

with partners 43, 412

Disappointment 268

Discipline 39, 56, 353

and ADHD 299

canceling 357

checklist 374

deciding severity 357

four R’S 354

inconvenient consequence 368

in family councils 395

involve children in deciding 358, 364, 365,

logical consequences 368

long-term effects 358

making amends 360

natural consequences 363

offering choices 362

reasonable 356, 357

reasons to use last 11, 320, 328, 330, 334,

related 356

respectful 358

restrictions 364

revealing 354

revengeful 329, 352, 356, 357, 368

setting time limits 356

summary of 375

taking action 362

time limits 357

time-outs 369

tools 360

trouble-shooting guide 374

vs. punishment 359

wording as a choice 362

Discipline Toolset 59

Discouragement 61, 90, 153, 331

Disrespect; toward parents 99, 126, 147, 267,
310, 315, 330

Distraction 305

Diversity 149

Divorce 106, 271, 336

effects on children 106, 339

family councils 387, 407

PO cycle 336

responding to children’s questions 154

stepparents 347, 360

Domestic violence 31, 295, 352

Don’t Say “Don’t” 125, 326

Double standards 429

Driving 67, 155, 272, 310, 364

Drugs 328, 347, 348, 381

addressing suspicions 340

ADHD medication 300

discipline for 381

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Eating habits 89, 117, 164, 309, 422
(also see “Food”)

Education (also see “School”)

parent, self 424

Ego-esteem 87, 429

Elementary issues

common problems 75, 309

development 292

early 292, 309

independence 157

late 293, 309


parents’ 268

sparing children’s 264, 266, 273, 275


using for PO goals 334

Encouragement 87, 323

parent;self 105

self-affirmations 105, 424

when teaching skills 146

Environmental engineering 305

Exaggerations 267


differences in 140

realistic for self 15, 423

stating 270

External problem solvers 173, 429

External recharge 429

children 370

activities 242

Extracurricular activities 64, 72, 293, 365

misbehavior during 365

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Failure 104, 151 (see “Mistakes”)

reminding of past 264

Fairness 89

Family Councils 386

agenda options 390, 391

appropriate topics 395

benefits 387

blended families 360, 388

discussing discipline 395

discussion topic ideas 403

duration 394

early elementary 293

emergency meetings 50, 392

expressing concerns 396

formal format 390

foster parents 388

getting started 393

ground rules 395, 396

ice-breaker activities 403

informal format 391

late elementary 294

lesson ideas 401

listening to concerns 396

maintenance meetings 393

making decisions 397

pitfalls to avoid 396

preteens 294

problem-solving steps 397

purpose of 386

resources 390, 401

roles 388

sample agenda 404

scheduling 394

setting 394

summary sheet 405

teens 295

time limits 394

trouble-shooting guide 399

voting 392

young children 292, 393

Family therapy 300

Fashion fads 307, 310 (also see “Clothing”)

Favoritism 89, 100

F-A-X communication 172

F-A-X Listening 179

brainstorming 200

family councils 396

formula 185

giving information 199

identifying feelings 181

questions 197, 198

tools 181, 183, 303

trouble-shooting guide 223

when to take next step 202

X-amine possible solutions 200

Fears 193, 206, 226

Feelings 181

alternatives to “angry” 267

cartoon 183

denying 177

expressing 267

identifying 181

peeling onions 170

secondary emotions 182, 234, 267, 431

Fighting 216, 306, 315, 365

defense moves 217

making amends 360

Flash codes 275


allergies 65, 311

bribes 117

complaints 89, 235

eating disorders 117

picky eaters 131, 164, 309, 379

Forgetfulness 126, 334, 364

Forgiveness 140, 246

Foster parents 43

and family councils 388

Foundation-Building Toolset  21, 48, 49

Avoiders 34

Balanced parenting 37-44

believe it, see it 45

double standards 46

Over-controlling 28

Over-Indulgers 35

parenting styles 28-44

Perfectionistic Supervisor 31

Power Patrol 29

PU problems 302

role model 47

summary sheet 49

tools 44

Under-controlling 33

Friends (also see “Peers/Friends”)

parents as 262

Fussiness 307

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Gangs 116, 218, 222

Giving up 326, 331, 342, 343


family 23

individual 23

setting realistic 155, 423

societal  24

God, (also see “Spiritual references”)

Gossip 295

Grabbing 308

Grades 268 (also see “School,” “Homework”)

Grandparents 43

spoiling children 422

Guilt 264, 268, 429

self- 423

unhealthy  264, 432

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Habits; resistance to change 14, 247

Healthy family traits 23

Healthy paranoia 429

Hidden messages 261

Historical trends

autocratic 32

balanced parenting 41

permissiveness 36

Homework 61, 73, 83, 219, 293, 294, 335

completing 135

forgetting 364

time management 219

Honesty 338 (also see “Lying”)

Hormones 294, 310

House diagram 1, 409

detailed 436

Human Bill of Rights 261

Humor 130, 268, 273, 326

Hyperactivity 298

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Identifying problems 59-60, 77

Child vs. Parent 62

individual answers 59, 78

misjudging 75

PO goals 342

problem shifts 75

PU vs. PO 65, 289, 319

questions 60

SHARP RV 60, 62

summary 60

Ignoring behavior 304, 324


anger cycle 234

backpack analogy 158

balanced independence 138

balancing scale (3 styles)  25

belief>feeling>action 44

C/P pie charts 72

council role rotation 389

dominoes of anger cycle 234

fax communication 172

feeling words cartoon 183

growth in waves 423

Positive goals 323

Power struggles 123

problem-solving steps 172

with F-A-X 181

problems are like onions 55

toolbox>toolsets>tools  8

volcano, stress overload 239

volcano, trigger button 243

when to ask questions 197

Imagination; toddlers 292

Impulsiveness 298

Inconsistent parenting styles 43, 412

Independence 138

answering questions 154

ask their opinion 153

Balanced limits 139

definition 138

elementary age 157

handling mistakes 151

infants  157

let go 157

let them dream 155

notice the difficulty 153

nudge, don’t push 156

openly model behavior 144

Over-controlling 139

preschoolers  157

privacy 155, 198, 214, 337

quick tips 150

responsibility 139, 151

teaching skills 144

teens  158, 295

toddlers  157, 292

tools 144

Under-controlling 139

using outside resources 154

Independence Toolset

PU problems 303

Individuation 67, 158, 293, 294, 429

backpack analogy 158

safe options 68, 307

Infants 75, 291

and discipline 368

common problems 307

developmental issues 291

independence 157

In-laws 43

pressure/criticism from 412, 416

Internal motivation 323

Internal problem solver 173, 430

Internal recharge 430

activities 241

children 370

Interrupting 272, 322, 325

Intuition 423

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Jobs 136, 156, 194, 295

Judging 96, 177

Junior high 294, 310

Juvenile delinquency 30

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Keep Your Cool Toolset 58, 232, 252
(also see “Anger”)

Kidnapping 118 (also see “Child abuse”)

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Labeling 98, 178

Latch-key children 35, 369

Lateness 156, 264, 270, 278, 364, 381

Laundry 132, 271, 274

Learning disabilities 297

Learning styles 289, 300, 428, 430

developmental pace 290

eight intelligences 300

resources 311

see/hear/do 125, 144, 300

whole/part 55

Lectures 269, 270, 273, 279, 396

Let go 157

poem 160

Limits 122, 428 (also see “Rules,” “Choices,”
“Clear Communi-cation Toolset”)

Listening 179, 273 (also see “F-A-X

responding to nonverbal messages 182

response formula 185

responses 183

trouble-shooting guide 189

Logical consequences 368

Lying 99, 337-339

developmental stages 338

discipline 380

following divorce 339

modeling honesty 286, 338

motives for 337

summary 340

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Maintenance Toolbox 59, 73, 78, 384

Makeup 154

Making amends 360

apologies 217

suggestions 360

Manners 235

Marriage 174

Mealtime 309 (also see “Food,” “Picky

routines 132

picky eaters 379

Mediation 204, 208, 430

Medical conditions 65, 296 (also see “ADHD”)

Medication 300

Meditation 240, 256

Mental retardation 297

Messes 266, 270  (also see “Cleaning,”

Military 41, 126


adult 336, 416

during family councils 401

in public 81, 412

PU vs. PO 60, 289, 312, 319

purpose behind 322

Mistakes 151, 103

making amends for 361

parental 411

Modeling behavior 99, 326

openly model behavior 144, 430


bribes 118

budgeting 143

earning 142

Moralizing 179


routines 81, 82, 156, 157

delays 380


internal 91, 114, 323

v. bribery 119


consistency 410

correcting parenting 420

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Nagging 69, 323, 396

Name-calling 178, 328

Natural consequences 363

No “No’s” 127, 326

No problems 61, 167, 258

Non-violence 215

Nonverbal communication 261

body language 265

notes 274

signals 273

Notes 93, 274

encouragement  93

of apology 275

Nudge, don’t Push 156, 327

Nutrition 309 (also see “Food,” “Picky

picky eaters 379

<Return to top of page>


Obedience 114, 430

dangers of 116

Offering choices 122, 326, 362

Onions; problems are like 55

Only children 400


children’s 153, 326

difference of 263

listening to teens’ 189

Organizing belongings  146

Over-Controlling parenting 28, 48

Over-Indulger 35, 50, 52

Over-stimulation 74

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Parent education 299

Parent Problem Toolbox 58, 230

when to use 230

Parent problems 63, 167, 230, 258, 266

Parent’s Toolshop

field test results 4

suggestions for use 13

unique qualities of 2

Parental concerns 60, 267, 269, 275, 276

about children’s friends 221

using helpful questions 199


Avoider 34, 428

Balanced 37, 428

conscious  24

inconsistent 43, 412

myths 418, 420

over-compensation cycles 43, 430

Over-controlling 28, 430

Over-indulgent 50, 430

partners 22, 43,

Perfectionistic Supervisor 31, 430

permissive 36, 430

Power Patrol 29, 431

Under-controlling 33, 432

Summary sheet 48

Parties, teen 316

PASRR formula 7, 58, 430


anger 236

communication 260


anger 237

communication 260

Peers/Friends 62, 220

acceptance 323

bullies 199, 216

cliqués 199, 295

conflicts with 63, 204

mediation 204, 208, 422

non-violent conflict resolution 215

parental concerns about 221

pressure 92, 116, 295, 310, 323

Perfectionism 103

Declaration of Imperfection 16

Perfectionistic Supervisors 31, 52

Permissiveness 36

Personality 65, 295

accepting choices 123

traits 295

Personal space 210


choosing 44, 237

Pets 136, 266, 274

Picky eaters 131, 164, 235, 309

Plan Ahead 121

Playpens 163

PO problems 65, 289

attention 322

giving up 331

identifying 319, 342

payoffs 320

positive goals 322

power 325

preventing 320

revenge 328

summary of steps 342

using emotions to meet 334

vs. PU 65, 289, 319

with more than one goal 346

PO Toolset 58, 318, 343


Autobiography in Five Short Chapters 427

Let go 160

Listen 180

Positive goals of behavior 322

identifying 346

Positive/negative reinforcement 90

Positive words 125

Potty training 156, 290, 291

pressure to 422

Pouting 325

Power Patrols  29, 50, 52

Power struggles 123, 325

preventing 123, 326

redirecting 347

tantrums 74

Praise  87

“junkies”  91, 431

Prayer 240

Preaching 179

Prejudice 149

Preschoolers 75, 127, 292, 309 (also see
“Young children”)

independence 157


from friends and relatives 412

peer  (see “Peers/friends”)

to spank 351, 422

Preteens 75, 293

common problems 310

developmental issues 294

independence 158

Prevention Toolbox 20, 58

family councils 395

Pride 92, 429, 432

Privacy 155, 198, 214, 337

after divorce 339

need to know issues 155


earning 141

restricting 70, 72, 364

Problem types 56

C/P problems 70, 335

Child problems 62, 167

identifying 60, 77, 78, 288

No problems 61, 167, 258

overwhelming 73

Parent problems 63, 167, 230, 258

PO Problems 65, 68, 319

PU problems 66, 288

questions to identify 60

SHARP RV 60, 62, 78

Problem solving 196, 200

approach conflicts 174

ask helpful questions 197

discussing discipline 365

family councils 204, 397

lead-in questions 200

on the run, Child problems 204

on the run, Parent problems 278

Parent problems 204, 275

steps 200,

style conflicts 174

styles 172

summary 225

timing conflicts 174

trial period 202

two-party  275

when to take steps 202

with teachers 220

worksheet 205

young children  203

Procrastination 163, 334

Property 60, 62, 78

damaging 378, 379

disputes 212

Puberty 294, 310

Public misbehavior 412

Punishment 350

adult PO goals 336

four R’S 353

long-term effects 351

physical 351

power plays 327

revengeful 329, 352, 356, 357, 359, 368

threats 355

vs. discipline 359

PU problems 65, 288

ADHD 289

early elementary 309

identifying 60, 65, 288

infants 307

late elementary 309

medical conditions 297

personality 67, 295

preschoolers 309

preteens 310

redirecting 304

teens 310

toddlers 307

turning into PO 66, 302, 319, 431

vs. PO 60, 65, 289, 312, 319

PU Toolset 288, 312

acceptable alternatives 305

distraction 305

environmental engineering 305

identifying PU problems 60, 289, 312

ignoring 304

PASRR formula 306

summary 312

targeting behavior 306

tools 304, 312

<Return to top of page>


Questions 197

answering 163

evaluating ideas 201

helpful 198

lead-in to problem solving 200

responding to “why?” 292

to reveal concerns 199

unhelpful 178

vague responses to 198

Quick reminders 273

Quick tips 150

<Return to top of page>


Rebellion 158, 353, 431 (also see
“Individuation,” “Power strug-gles,” “Testing behavior”)

Recharge styles 241

Regression 15, 290, 431

Relatives; disciplining in front of 412

Relaxation 240

Religious references 41, 89, 240 (also see

Reminders 79, 273

Reminding 69

Rescuing 153, 164, 332

Resistance to change 14, 247

Resources 256, 311

anger management 256

angry teens 256

class meetings 388

developmental stages 291, 311

family councils 390, 401

food allergies 311

fussy babies 307

learning games 311

learning styles 311

marriage/couple communication 175

medical advice 311

meditation 256

sleep problems 307

spanking 382

stay-at-home parents 305

teens 311

using outside 163

violence prevention 401

young children 311

Respect 28, 33, 38, 262

for children’s opinions 153

for diversity 149

Responsibility 64, 139, 151, 431

denying 263

for Child problems 168

for others 168

three types 139

Restrictions 221, 364

deciding severity of 365

progressive 431

regressive 365

Revenge 237, 326, 328, 342, 343

Rewards 118

and ADHD 299

Rights 28, 33, 37

Human Bill of 261

Role modeling 47, 431

openly model behavior 144

Role playing 202

Roles/labels 98

Roughhousing 216

Routines 132, 326, 431

and ADHD 299

Rudeness 147, 272, 279 (also see

Rules   28, 33, 39, 131, 271, 326

hidden 271

violating 70

Running away 268, 346

<Return to top of page>


Safety 60, 67, 78

car seats 378

wearing gear 238, 307, 347, 362

Sarcasm 260, 431

Sassing 99, 267(also see “disrespect”)

Schedules; extracurricular 64

School 62, 218

and ADHD 299

class meetings 388

conflicts with teachers 220

discipline 294

homework 61, 219 (also see “Homework”)

junior high/middle school 294

poor grades 365

problems 63, 335

rules 293, 294

Scriptural references  (also see “Spiritual,”

discipline 353

revenge 330

spanking 351

Secrets; good and bad 338

Security objects 188

Self-Esteem Toolset 85, 108

definition 86, 431

descriptive 96

handling mistakes 103

non-competition 101

no roles/labels 98

notice improvement 94

positive focus 93

PU problems 303

self-encouragement 105

self-image 86

self-motivation 91

tools 88, 108

unconditional love 88

Self-image  86


after praise 96

parental 105

Separation 157, 308

security objects 188

teens going out alone 381

Setting limits 122, 270

with adults 417


abuse; good/bad secrets 338 (also see “Child

premarital 295

Shame 264 (also see “guilt”)

Sharing 81, 212, 292

SHARP RV 60, 62, 78, 167

Shopping 89, 136, 268, 280, 286, 303, 328,
369, 422

Siblings 62, 207

apologies 217

bickering 214

bully/victim roles 216

feelings 170

fighting 216

intervening 208

mediation 204, 208

personal space 163, 210

property disputes 212

punishing 264

roles and labels 98

roughhousing 216

tattling 214

teasing 215

Silent treatment 324, 328, 334

Single parenting 90, 106 (also see “Divorce”)

family councils 387, 390

Sleep problems

infants 307

resources 311

toddlers 308

Smart-aleck 267 (also see “Arguing,”

Spanking 336, 351

pressure to 422

Spirited children 67, 295

Spiritual references 41, 89, 240

Spoiling 36, 87, 291, 308, 322, 422, 351

Sports 102, 365

Stay-at-home parents 305

stress management 242

Stealing 362

Step-parenting 347

discipline 360

Stress management 239

activities 239

for children 250

personalized plan 246

recharge styles 241

resources 256

Strong-willed children (also see “Spi-rited”
and “Power struggles”)

Suicide 103, 328


Balanced Parenting Style 48

Clear Communication Toolset 283

Cooperation Toolset 134

detailed house 446

Discipline Toolset 375

discipline vs. punishment 359

family council activities 403

family council agenda 404

Family Council Toolset 405

F-A-X Listening Toolset 191

Foundation-Building Toolset 49

Independence Toolset 161

Keep Your Cool Toolset 252

Language of Encouragement 109

lying 337

obedience vs. cooperation 116

parenting styles 48

PASRR response formula 58

PO Toolset, goal comparison 342

PO Toolset, responses 343

praise vs. encouragement 88

Problem-Solving Toolset 225

Problem Type Identification 60

PU Toolset 312

Self-Esteem Toolset 108

suggestions for use 13

Three C’s 426

toolboxes and toolsets 8

Universal Blueprint flowchart 77

Support groups 424

<Return to top of page>


Tantrums 74, 248, 325

public 371

resources 311

Tattling 214, 431

Taunting 215, 432

Teaching skills 144

and ADHD 300

behavior 147

defense moves 217

physical tasks 146

role playing 202

time management 293

timing  95

values 269

Teamwork 116, 323

Teasing 136, 215, 432

Teens 75, 294

angry 256

choices 124

chores 133

clothing/hair styles 155, 315

depression 251

developmental issues 294

driving 272, 364

encouraging 95

encouraging to talk 176

fads 158

family councils 390

feelings 189

friends/peers 221

gangs 116, 218, 222

independence 103, 158

individuation 67, 158, 159

jobs 136

logical consequences 364, 368

natural consequences 364

parties 136

peer pressure 116, 221

privacy 155

problem-solving  204

rebellion 127, 158

resources 311

routines 132

rules 132

suicide 103

values 269, 279


parents’ use 325

teens’ use 310

Territory 214

Testing behavior 334

Therapy 18

Threats 69, 179, 354, 396

Throwing 308

Time-outs 369

activities 371

family 248

individual plan 372

locations 370

parental 239

power 431

public 371

setting time limits 372

Toddlers 75, 127, 291 (also see “Young

choices 124

common problems 307

communicating with 279

curiosity 292

developmental issues 291

discipline 368

feelings 170, 188

independence 157

learning styles 125

“no” stage 127

problem solving  203

routines 132

Toilet training 156, 290, 291

Tots (see “Toddlers”)

Touch 91


fights over 213

organizing  147

Transitional period 292, 432

Trial period 202, 277

Trigger buttons 243, 432

re-programming 244

Trouble-shooting guides

discipline 374

family councils 399

listening 189

problem-solving 223

when tools don’t work 16

True/false quiz 5

Tweens (see “Elementary issues”)

Two-party problem solving 275

<Return to top of page>


Unconditional love 88

of self 106

Under-Controlling Parenting  33, 48

Universal Blueprint 60, 77, 78, 432

ABC-123-D steps 57, 79

identifying problem types 60

individualized plan 59

overview 9

PASRR formula 58

selecting tools 71

summary 60, 77-79, 446

toolbox  7, 432

toolsets 8, 432

<Return to top of page>


Values 62, 159, 269, 286

conflict of 269

religious 286

teaching 149

teens 279

Venters 173, 432

Victimization 118, 121, 338, 352

sexual abuse 118

Violence/gangs 116, 218, 222

Visualization 240

Voting 38, 397

temporary votes 399

<Return to top of page>


Warnings 179 (also see “Threats”)

Whining 126, 304, 308, 322

Wishes in Fantasy 129

Withdrawal 330


Anger Log 254

Decision-Making Worksheet 376

Parenting Styles Quiz 26

Problem-Solving 205

Myth/Truth quiz 5

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Young children 153 (also see “Tod-dlers” and

family councils 389

feelings 188

problem-solving 203

sharing 81, 213

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